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You Now Need to Move Forward

A reading from Psalm 40, verses six and seven: “Sacrifice andoffering you did not desire, my ears you have opened, a burned offering and sinoffering you did not require. Then I said, ‘Behold,I come. In the scroll of the book it is written of me.’”


God doesn’t want usjust doing perfunctory religious work. He doesn’t want you and me just performing thesame old rituals, the same old sacrifices, as wonderful as many of those thingsmight have been in the past. It isn’t God’s will for you and me tolive in the past.


If we’ve opened our ears toGod, if we have heard Him, it’s time now to start moving forward toward the sound of God’s voice, in this time, and begin to obey it. We are joiningtogether with people from over 200 countries worldwide, at 7:00 PM Eastern time, at We’re seeking the will of God.


It’s time to pray.

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