“Prayer is the key to all that Jesus is willing to do. The day and hour demands that those who still know the mercy of Jesus Christ begin to plead for our nation. When prayer turns to a heartfelt cry for freedom and deliverance, God will hear and answer. I believe that God is willing to show His mercy to us once again, in spite of how far we have gotten away from truth as a society.”
Pastor Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon
Carter Conlon's life has been marked by a deep commitment to prayer, a passion for spiritual renewal, and a tireless enthusiasm for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Born in Quebec, Canada, Carter's journey in ministry began as a young police officer who cried out to God on May 12, 1978.
Today, Carter serves as General Overseer of Times Square Church in New York City. He joined the pastoral staff at TSC as an associate pastor in 1994 at the invitation of founding pastor David Wilkerson and became Senior Pastor from 2001 until 2020.
Carter is privileged to serve in ministry alongside his wife, Teresa Conlon, who is the President of Summit International School of Ministry. The Conlon’s have three children and nine grandchildren.
Carter Conlon shares his testimony at a business men’s fellowship in Europe
Times Square Church

Founded in 1987, Times Square Church is a beacon of hope in the heart of New York City. The mission of TSC is simple: to see lives changed through the love of God and His Word.
Times Square Church was founded by Pastor David Wilkerson. Pastor David was first called to New York City in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book The Cross and the Switchblade.
Now under the leadership of Senior Pastor Tim Dilena, the passion to pray, disciple believers, build up leaders, and care for the poor is still at the heart of Times Square Church today.
It's Time To Pray
In the early 2000s, God prompted Carter to call together the churches of New York City to congregate for one hour of prayer on the streets of Manhattan. As a result, for three consecutive years, Christians from all denominations assembled on Broadway, culminating in a gathering of over 50,000 people in its final year.
During this movement, the Lord placed on Carter's heart to begin a weekly worldwide prayer meeting, which today is broadcast weekly from Summit International School of Ministry, the bible school of Times Square Church. Every Wednesday, this powerful service is streamed by churches and individuals in 200+ countries and territories throughout the world.
Since its inception, the worldwide prayer meeting has received hundreds of thousands of prayer requests and witnessed innumerable answers to prayer.
"The Call of the Shipmaster”, a sermon sharing why you and I are called to prayer

Beyond the pulpit, Carter's one-minute devotional, It's Time to Pray, is heard on Christian radio outlets across the nation. His half-hour radio program, A Call to the Nation, continues to expand its reach throughout the United States.
Through these platforms, he encourages believers to embrace the power of prayer in their daily lives.
Compassion Fund
As an author, Carter Conlon has authored several impactful books, including The 180-Degree Christian, Fear Not, Unshakable, and his autobiographical book, It’s Time to Pray. 100% of the proceeds from his writings benefit the Compassion Fund, a charitable fund through Times Square Church to help those in need.

Summit International School of Ministry

Summit International School of Ministry exists to train men and women for ministry through a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ. Summit is a ministry close to Pastor Carter's heart, and where he spends much of his time. "It is a wise generation" he explains, “that invests in light during a time of darkness". Each year, students graduate from Summit and serve in ministries and churches all over the world, making a difference wherever they go. Summit emphasizes truly knowing God, not just learning about Him.