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We Cannot Back Down

You and I are living in a time where we cannot back down and try to make peace with our enemies. This is a time for us to go forward and say to the devil himself, "You're not going to have my family. You're not having my future. You're not taking my mind. You are not going to win this battle."

We can believe God for the miraculous. We have a personal history of what God has done in our lives, and the biblical history of His power. It's phenomenal when we begin to realize who we are praying to and what He is able to do. It's time to stand and believe God for the miraculous.

In the heart of New York City, people are gathering for an explosive time of prayer every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Eastern Time. You can join us here in New York City, or live on the internet, for our Worldwide Prayer Meeting. We're seeing so many answered prayers.

It's time to pray.

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