The Word of God Has Power
The Word of God has the power to give life, to set people free. It has the power to divide seas, to calm storms. His Word can raise the dead and create a universe. There is nothing that the Word of God can not do.
As followers of Jesus Christ and with the power of God, we choose to believe in His power. We choose to believe that in spite of our circumstances, and even if we are unfaithful, God remains faithful to us. The Word of God tells us that even if our own hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, He cannot deny Himself. He promised to give us healing when we call out to Him. Wherever God is, there is life. The miraculous happens. Healing happens. Weaknesses turned into strength and confusion is brought into order.
My brother and my sister, today you can trust God, you can take Him at His Word. Remember, above and beyond all else, it’s now time to pray.