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The Name of Jesus
Psalm115, beginning at verse one,says: “Not unto us, oh Lord, not unto us, but to your name, giveglory because of your mercy, because of your truth. Why should the Gentilessay, ‘So where’s their God?’”
Today, just as the psalmist was, we need to beconcerned about the reverence given to the name of our God, Jesus Christ. His name has been discounted in our society and casuallyused as a curse word in the media for toolong.
The time has come where the Son of God must vindicate His name. Iencourage you today to call out to Him to doso. Ask Him to send true spiritual repentanceand awakening to this country. If ever there was a time for God to vindicate His name, it is now.
For you and me, it’s time to pray.
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