Pray for Your Sons and Daughters
I want to challenge you today and encourage you to rise and fight against every enemy. Take spiritual authority. Pray for your sons. Pray for your daughters. Fight for your family members who are lost without Christ. Fight for those who are dear to you and maybe are lost through inattention. Maybe at one time, you did not fight for them because you had no real relationship with God.
Now, in Christ, you have the right to pray and to believe for them. You have the right to get your sons and daughters back. You’ve now been given spiritual authority to stand and fight on their behalf. It’s time to fight for them.
Join us. There are people from over 200 countries gathering together every Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. EST online at itstimetopray.org. We are believing in God, and incredible victories are happening in families. Sons and daughters are coming back home. You can read it in the section on answered prayer.
It’s time to pray.