Lord I Am Willing to Go
God is calling many to be a part of this end-time army. Don't be undecided any longer. Stop declaring yourself to be unworthy or just a drug addict or a depressed person or someone who just comes from a dysfunctional family or someone hopeless.
It's time to get our eyes off of ourselves and our situations and begin to focus on Christ. You have to let this truth now come into your heart. It won't be by your might or by your intellect. It will only be the power of God manifested through a heart that says, "Lord, I'm willing to go where you are calling me."
You are called to be a part of God's end-time army. Answer the call today. People from all over the world come together every Wednesday at 7:00 PM EST at itstimetopray.org. We're praying for this very thing. God raises us out of weakness, gives us strength, and sends us into the harvest.
It's time to pray.