It's Time to Rise Up
I want to remind you today that it’s timeto rise and say, “Enough of living in despairand addiction. It’s not my calling on theearth. It’s not who I am in Christ and notwhat my life is supposed to be.”
Now,sometimes the enemy might even tell you that you belong to God, but your lovedones don’t. He might say their lives are not worth living. It’s better to do drugs or give up on life. You have the authority to fight back. You have the right togo after the enemy and take back what belongs to you, including your family.
Mybrothers and my sisters, it’s time. It’s time to risein the strength of God and go after the enemy, stand on the promises of Christ,and take back the things that the Devil istrying to steal from you. Let’s walk in thevictory, freedom, and authority that Jesus Christ won for us on the cross.
It’s now time, again, to pray.