It's Time to Pray
It's time to pray for our families, for our schools, for people throughout the nation, for people who don't have a voice to cry out for themselves and for the unborn. Ask God to give us the grace to pray. Ask God in Jesus' name for the power to pray, for the courage to pray, for the faith to pray. That you and I would be a people that learn the lessons that God has been trying to teach us all these years.
Pray that God would deliver us from being a people who never come to the knowledge of the truth. Let's ask God for boldness in our prayer and for the power to stand in His presence.
You can join us at our Worldwide Prayer Meeting here in New York City every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Our prayer meeting is streamed live online at itstimetopray.org. Join us and be encouraged because God is answering prayers.
It's time to pray.