I Know That God Is For You WWPM
I believe that we're entering into one of the world's greatest seasons in the history of the Christian Church. You may be thinking,on what basis I'm saying that when I don't know your life, and I don't know your situation. It's true; I don't.
But I do know the God that you serve. I know that God is for you and not against you. I know that He has all power and all authority. Nothing that's come your way that He's not conquered when He went to the cross and rose again from the dead on the third day.
Today, He sits in heavenly places and makes intercessions for you. It's time to begin to believe that God is actually for you. It's time to put away the thoughts that God, in any capacity, is against you. It's time to trust Him for your future. It's time to trust Him to make you into the testimony that only He can for this present generation.
Talk to Him about it because, above everything, it's time to pray.