His Life In Us Is Enough
I want to remind you that God's mercies are brand new today. We don't have to be disappointed in ourselves. We need to hope in the living God who loves us. Our lives are His love being lived out, and He gives us strength to live that brand new life because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.
He never grows tired of our cries or failures because He knows He's raising us up. His life in us is enough if we don't give up. The more we focus on Him, the more our doubts and fears will dissipate because they are nothing but empty lies from our enemy. They may try to dominate us, but He's greater and stronger every time. Every day it's the privilege of a Christian to live in new mercy. Oh, yes, He's an old devil, but you and I have new mercies every morning. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God!
It's time to pray.