God Is Healing
If you're struggling in your Christian walk or in a battle that you don't understand, join us, and we'll pray with you, and we'll pray for you. You'll also find out that in this journey we're on, you're not alone.
Here's a report from Seoul, Korea: "We've been praying with Times Square Church since early July about my brother, who has Parkinson's disease. He now raises his hands, listening to God's words, talks and greets me.” Thank you so much for telling us what God is doing for your brother.
Springfield, New Jersey, says: "Last week, we prayed for an 85-year-old believer. He had neurosurgery, survived the surgery, and recovered beyond all medical expectations. Praise Jesus." We do praise God with you.
Join us every Wednesday night, 7:00 PM Eastern time, at itstimetopray.org. People from all over the world are praying.
It's now time to pray.