God Is Going to Raise Up an Army
God is going to raise up an army all over the world. An army who are submitting prayer requests. An army who feel unlovely and unworthy in many cases, but it’s in this unloveliness and unworthiness that God becomes everything. In those places of weakness, God raises us up out of the ashes and produces something of beauty for His namesake and for His glory.
Let’s pray that the Lord will help us to move forward in faith and that we may never be stagnant. May God always lead us to do something that brings glory to His name. It’s time to pray.
People are joining us from 211 countries all over the world every Tuesday night from 7:00 to 8:30 PM Eastern Time at itsitmetopray.org. We are believing together that in our weakness, God’s strength will be made known. Let’s pray together. Let’s believe for a shout of glory before Christ returns.
It’s time to pray.