God Calls Us in Our Weakness
God calls us in our weakness and not in our strength. He does not demand for you and I to have it all together. He understands that we are frail beings and we really don't have it all together. Yet in this weak state, He still thirsts to hear our voices.\n\nIn the book Song of Solomon he says, "My bride, you've captured my heart with just one look of your eyes." Meaning, just when you begin to gradually turn to the Lord, you capture His heart. He says, "Come out from the places where you've been hidden. Come stand face to face before me." There is a thirst in the heart of God for you. You can come in your weakness. Don't hesitate to meet him.\n\nJoin us and become part of our Worldwide Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, live on itstimetopray.org.\n\nAnd please remember, it's time to pray.