Find the Lowest Seat
Sometimes we think that the road to success is simple and always an upward trajectory with more crowds and more notoriety. However, in the kingdom of God, the ministry becomes more significant when we get lower.
At the last supper, the Son of God Himself took a towel, girded himself and washed the feet of His disciples. David Wilkerson once said to me, "Carter, if you want to know the power of God, find the lowest seat in the house and sit there, and then you'll know the power of God." Our hearts are filled with peace when we choose to follow where He leads, no matter how it looks. May your prayer and mine be, "Not my will, Lord, but Your will be done."
Join us every Tuesday night, 7:00 PM Eastern Time at tsc.nyc for our Worldwide Prayer Meeting. People are joining us from all over the world.
It's time to pray.