Cry Out Like Hannah
In First Samuel chapter one, we see a story of a barren woman named Hannah. She was taken over with anguish because she was unable to produce life. She cried out to God in prayer, a prayer that went beyond words, and God heard her plea. It's God's heart that you and I live fruitful lives for His glory.
If you're in a place where you feel spiritually barren, unable to have an effect in your home, in your workplace or in your neighborhood, cry out like Hannah. God will birth something in you that will make a difference in this generation for His name's sake. "O God, empty us of our own barrenness and fill us with your life and a heart for all people."
People are joining us from all over the world every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Eastern Time at itstimetopray.org and we are crying out together. And I'll tell you what's happening, God is giving us His heart.
It's time to pray.