Always Remember Where Our Strength and Boldness Come From
Psalms, chapter 138, verse 3: "In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul."
What made King David a man after God's own heart is that he knew it was God's heart to give strength to anyone who was willing to call out to Him. This is still God's heart for you and for me today. He's not waiting for you to find some magical formula of faith, or clap your hands just right, or get your whole act together before He will bless you.
He's looking for those who have the courage to recognize their need of His presence and strength, realizing that the sufficiency to live a victorious Christian life is not found in ourselves. Like David, may we always remember that our strength and boldness comes from the One who is perfecting that which concerns us, and whose mercy, thank God Almighty, endures forever. Get that strength today.
Remember, it's time to pray.