A Victorious Church
On Pentecost, God promised He would pour out His spirit and have a victorious church worldwide. My prayer has been that people recognize that God has called them to be a part of this end-time army, and through their lives, glory would be brought to His name.
We need to pray for God to give us the strength to be raised out of whatever condition we find ourselves in to walk into God's purpose for each of our lives. Ask God today to give you the boldness to be part of His end-time army and allow Him to pour out His Spirit on you so that you can be a representative of Jesus Christ.
Remember to join us every Wednesday at 7:00 PM, Eastern Time, at itstimetopray.org. People from 211 countries are joining together, and we are all praying this similar prayer: God, raise an end-time army.
It's time to pray.