As we step into a new year, it’s natural to reflect on the past. Perhaps we find ourselves longing for “the good old days,” a time when things seemed simpler, more stable, and more secure. But today, let’s explore what it means to navigate the storms of life with faith, hope, and purpose.
Anchors in the Storm
Acts 27:29 says:
“Then, fearing lest we should run aground on the rocks, they dropped four anchors out of the stern and prayed for the day to come.”
Here, we find a group of people on a journey they were warned not to take, only to find themselves caught in a storm of epic proportions. Desperate and adrift, they threw overboard even their tackling—trusted tools that had carried them safely for years. It’s a powerful picture of what happens when we abandon the age-old truths that once provided stability and strength.
As they faced destruction, their response was to drop anchors and pray for daylight. In their hearts, they longed for the past, for a time when the waters were calm and life felt manageable. How often do we hear similar sentiments today? “If only we could go back to the way things were.”
But as the storm raged on, the safety of the entire crew depended on one man who refused to lose heart: the apostle Paul.
The Power of Not Losing Heart
Paul’s example speaks to us today. Despite being falsely accused, imprisoned, and enduring unimaginable discomfort, Paul didn’t succumb to bitterness or despair. He could have easily cried out, “Why me, Lord?” Instead, he chose faith.
Galatians 6:9 reminds us:
“Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
When the time came, Paul stood on the deck of that breaking ship with two powerful tools:
A Word from God: Paul assured the people, “I’ve heard from God, and if you listen to me, you will all be saved.”
A Thankful Spirit: Even as the ship was breaking apart, Paul gave thanks to God, demonstrating unshakable faith in His divine purpose.
Imagine the scene: a man giving thanks while chaos reigns around him. To the onlookers, it must have seemed extraordinary, even impossible. But Paul’s gratitude stemmed from his understanding that God was working through him for the salvation of others.
When the shipwreck survivors reached shore, they found themselves in a harsh, unfamiliar place. Similarly, many of us may feel that the world today has become an unfamiliar, uncomfortable place. Yet Paul didn’t stop serving. He gathered wood for a fire, shook off a poisonous snake that bit him, and continued to minister healing to others. His unwavering faith became a source of hope and transformation for those around him.
Wishing for the Old vs. Embracing the New
Ecclesiastes 7:10 warns us:
“Do not say, ‘Why were the former days better than these?’ For you do not inquire wisely concerning this.”
Longing for the past can blind us to the miracles God wants to perform today. Instead of clinging to what was, let us ask God: “What do You want to do through me in this new year? What vision do You have for my future?”
The new year offers opportunities for fresh victories, promises, and purpose. But to embrace them, we must let go of the past and trust God for what lies ahead.
In this season of storms, choose to stay alive in Christ. Let your light shine brightly, guiding others to safety in Him. Remember the hymn “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning,” which tells of sailors lost at sea because a harbor master failed to keep his lights lit.
You are called to keep your light burning, to be a beacon of hope for those struggling to find their way. As you move forward into this new year, let faith, hope, and purpose define your journey.
May this be your happiest year yet, as you trust in God’s plan and live for His glory.
God bless you.