We Can't Be Just an Argument
We need to step out in boldness and ask God today to give us everything we need to bring glory to His name on the Earth. We can no longer just be an argument about the existence of God. We can't just know about God but not recognize His power. We have to be a people who compel this generation to know God and His power by what He does in our lives and what He can do through their lives.
This generation needs to understand what Christ has done in us and what He can do for them. Let's not stand in the strength of our natural abilities, but let's learn to stand in the power and strength of God's Holy Spirit.
Many of us from all over the world gather together online at itstimetopray.org every Wednesday at 7:00 PM EST. Our prayer is: God, give us Your Holy Spirit again. Give us Your power. Change us, God Almighty.
It's time to pray.