The Church Is A Supernatural Body
2 Timothy 2:15 says, "Be diligent to present yourselfapproved by God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing theword of truth."
Wehave to get into the Word of God and study it.We must find out who we are in Christ and what giftings of God are supplied toeach of our lives. We don't have to be in anargument with this world; we can be people who speak the truthin love.
TheChurch of Jesus Christ is a supernatural body—we don't have to settle foranything less. We don't have to be governed by our reasoning, feelings, orstrengths. We are to be governed by the Spiritof God and be led by the Word of God. Bediligent in your reading and spending timewith Him, and share with others about JesusChrist. To get the strength of God, talk to Him.
It'stime to pray.