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Our Willingness to Forgive

This generation is fragmented and falling apart at the seams. Nations are rising against nations. It's truly a sign of the last days. The only power that can counter this gauntlet of division will be unity found in Jesus Christ and in His church. So, the question is, are we willing to let our grievances be dissolved?

Now, you and I know this can only occur by our willingness to forgive, so that the blessing of God might once again come on this nation. Oh, that God would help us lead others to a reconciliation for His glory. It is possible. And it's yours and mine for the asking. Recognizing our weaknesses and propensity to disagree, may we put away what needs to be put away so that we can embrace You in Your way, God. Oh, thank you God for another Pentecost in this generation. We need the baptism of Your Holy Spirit. Fill us again.

And remember, friends, it's time to pray.

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