If Ever There Was A Time
We'reliving in a day of rampant and ever-increasing immorality. Confusion abounds on everyside. If ever there was a time for the Churchto rise, it's now. If ever there was a time for the power of God to bedisplayed through ordinary people, it's now. If ever there was a time for usto embrace the fullness of Christ and His calling on our lives, it is now.
Askthe Lord to give you the courage to speak when He gives you a word ofknowledge or a word of wisdom for somebody. Ask Him for the courage to lay hands on the sick and believe they can be healed. Ask God to give you the power to takeauthority over the Devil and all the works ofdarkness in your family, friends, society, and enemies.
Talkto God about this today becauseit’s all available through Him.
It's time to pray.