He Sent the Holy Spirit
Today I want to encourage you to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit upon your life. We can't get through the distress of the days ahead of us without the empowerment of the Spirit of God. We must know the strength of God that He has provided for us through His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross.
After Christ rose from the dead, He sent the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit has come to be our comforter, our guide, and to be our strength. He has come to take the promises of God and make each one reality inside of our hearts. The Holy Spirit has been sent to guide us, to lead us into all truth, and to lead us into what God has destined each of our lives to be and how we are to glorify Him here on the earth.
Today in your prayer time, ask God for an infilling of the Holy Spirit. Recognize you need the power, and you get it by talking to God.
It's time to pray.