He Goes Before Us WWPM
If you find yourself in the wilderness and don't know how to get out, you might besurprised to know God isblessing you. Because in that place, only one voicematters. We're no longer looking to man to solve our problems or to get us outof this wilderness season. We have a God that has drawn us into this placebecause He goes before us. He is with us, and there He will give us grace andlead us to the place we ought to go.
We can trust that God will guide us through every season ofdifficulty. All we have to do is trust Him, obey and go where He is asking us to go.
Join us onWednesday nights at 7:00 PM EST. People from all overthe world are gathering together at itstimetopray.org. We're praying for Godto show us what todo.
Above all, it's time to pray.