God Will Raise You Up On Your Feet Again
Psalm 27:5, "For in the day of trouble, he will conceal me in his tabernacle. In the secret place of his tent, he will hide me. He will lift me up on a rock."
We're heading into a time of fear and crisis in 2022. It will be a very fearful year for this world in very many regards. However, there will be an end-time army raised during this time. If you are battling depression, addiction, hopelessness, fear, or struggling with self-image, God will set you free.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, God will raise you on your feet again, and you will be a part of the end-time victorious army that gives glory to God. My encouragement to you today is not to be afraid. Trust God and allow Him today to begin to use you for His glory.
Remember my brother and my sister, it's time to pray.