God Wants to Give You a New Song
God wants to give you a new song, a song of victory. And you don't get this song by sitting in a pit or sinking in despair. You get this song by opening up your heart to the voice of God. If you can open your heart to the voice of God, He promises that He will lift you out of where you are.
He will set you in a solid place, and He'll set a path before you, not a path of your reasoning, but a path that He has determined for your life. You first have to admit that you are a sinner to get this. Don't sit in someplace and mourn over the past. Admit that you need a savior and believe that God so loved you that He sent His Son to die on a cross to pay the price for your sin.
You will be so, so glad that you did. Don't put it off, do it now. Do it today.
It's time to pray.